Daily Supported Reading
Daily Supported Reading enables school staff to work responsively with Key Stage One children who are learning how to read.
DSR is a scripted program that raises the quantity of successful Independent reading accomplished by each child in Key stage 1. It also supports a coherent approach to the reading curriculum.
The programme has twin aims:
The programme has twin aims:

- It develops the skills of adults to meet the needs of children learning how to read
- It ensures a varied responsive and consistent approach to independent text reading by children in EYFS/KS1
Together with Hackney Learning Trust, Sheels has compiled a list of books for use in this programme to aid children with their reading. All books supplied are labelled according to their level and can also be separated into zip bags to make group reading time easier.
Please click here to visit Hackney Learning Trust website for more information.
Alternatively the leaflet below provides more information.